Saints Cosmas and Damian were twins who practiced the healing arts
throughout Asia Minor according to the Scriptural commandment: “Freely
have ye received, freely in turn give.” (Mt 10:8). Born around 270 A.D. in
what is now modern day Syria, and left fatherless at a young age, they were
raised by a wealthy, pious Christian mother, who taught them that the greatest
and most noble deeds were those accomplished in the name of Christ the Lord, in free and generous service to the poor and needy. Because the good doctors staunchly refused all payment for their services throughout their lifetimes, they were called anargyroi, a Greek word for "the silverless.” Their Christian charity and skillful medical practice engendered widespread fame throughout the surrounding region. They traveled broadly and converted many souls through their compassionate and miraculous cures of both people and animals, whom they approached with the same reverence and concern.
If any animal was in pain, they would tend to it as gently and carefully as if it had been a human being. Indeed, they were perhaps even more pitiful towards animals, for they said: "People who can speak and complain of their ills are greatly to be pitied, but these dumb creatures, made by our King, can only suffer in silence, and surely the alleviation of their suffering will be required at our hands."
St. Cosmas and St. Damian were martyred together around 303 A.D. After
they died, many miracles of healing occurred as a result of their intercession.
Their feast days are celebrated on Nov. 1 and July 1.
Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Pray for Us! |
Saint Martin de Porres was born on December 9, 1579, in Lima, Peru.
He was the illegitimate son of wealthy Spanish knight Juan de Porres and
a freed slave woman from Panama, Anna Velasquez, who was of mixed race.
Scorned by his father for his dark skin, he was taken under the wing of a kind
and compassionate doctor, who taught him the art of healing. At the age of
fifteen, Martin became a "resident oblate" in the Dominican Friary in Lima and
became a lay brother 9 years later. He desired to be a foreign missionary and
to offer himself as a martyr for the faith, but it was God's will that he spend his
whole life in Lima working as a barber, doctor’s assistant, farm laborer, and
one who collects and distributes alms for the poor.
He was best known as a skilled surgeon and healer, curing by means of
both his medical expertise and his prayers for the sick and dying. He often
appeared at the bedside of people without being asked, his presence a
soothing balm to the sick, even when he did not completely cure them.
He treated all living beings with love and respect – people and animals alike –
and even maintained a hospital for cats and dogs in his sister’s house.
Saint Martin died on November 3, 1639 of typhus (a disease that is contracted
from lice, mites, or fleas), probably contracted due to his contact with animals.
Though a poor and humble servant of the LORD, he was carried to his tomb by
bishops and noblemen. He was canonized by Pope John XXIII on May 6, 1962.
He was also the first Black saint of the Americas. His feast day is celebrated
each year on November 3.
St. Martin de Porres, Pray for Us! | |
Prayers, Blessings, and Novenas
for the Healing Of Sick Animals
Pray without ceasing,
for prayer always changes things.
it changes the outcome
or our circumstances.
it changes our response to them
in unexpected, grace-filled ways.
Take time to discern God's loving
response to your daily prayers for yourself and your animal companions...
Franciscan Prayer For a Sick Animal
Heavenly Father,
You created all things for your glory
And made us stewards of this creature.
If it is your will,
restore (pet's name)
to health and strength.
Blessed are you, Lord God,
And holy is your name for ever and ever.
WITH A SERIOUS DISEASE V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who has made heaven and earth. V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your spirit.
Let us pray:
We humbly beg of You, Lord, in Your mercy, that in Your name and by the power of Your blessing, You cure these animals, afflicted with serious disease. May all power of the devil that is in them be driven out. And that they be not any more afflicted by disease, Lord, be for them a guard of their life and a remedy producing health, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Your Son, who lives and is King and God with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
R. Amen.
(And they are sprinkled with holy water.)
NOVENA PRAYER FOR OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS (To make a Novena for a sick pet, say this prayer for 9 consecutive days) Heavenly Father, our human ties with our friends of other species is wonderful and special gift from You. We now ask You to grant our special animal companions your Fatherly care and healing power to take away any suffering they have. Give us, their human friends, new understanding of our responsibilities to these creatures of Yours.
They have trust in us as we have in You; our souls and theirs are on this earth together to give one another friendship, affection, and caring. Take our heartfelt prayers and fill Your ill or suffering animals with healing Light and strength to overcome whatever weakness of body they have. LORD, I specifically lift up to you the needs of:
(Here, mention the names of the animals needing prayer)
Your goodness is turned upon every living thing and Your grace flows to all Your creatures. From our souls to theirsgoodness flows, touching each of us with the reflection of Your love. Grant to our special animal companions long and healthy lives. Give them good relationships with us, and if You see fit to take them from us, help us to understand that they are not gone from us, but only drawing closer to You. Grant our prayer through the intercession of good St. Francis of Assisi, who honored You through all Your creatures. Give him the power to watch over our animal friends until they are safely with You in eternity, where we someday hope to join them in giving You honor forever.
General Invocations:
St. Francis of Assisi, Pray for Us.
Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Pray for Us.
St. Martin de Porres, Pray for Us.
All You Saints Who Love the LORD
and His Poor Creatures Here on Earth,
Pray for Us!
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A Prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damien O My Jesus, Saints Cosmas and Damien were twins who became excellent doctors. They refused payment for their medical care because they believed that when they treated patients, they were also caring for You. By conveying great love, they won the hearts of their patients as they taught them about the Faith. I ask them to pray for my special skills, that I use them for Your glory. I also ask them to pray for all those in the medical field, that they grow in generosity of spirit. Bring conversion to the unsaved and teach Christians to serve You through their professional lives.
Saints Cosmas and Damien, pray for us. Amen.
†The prayer above exhorts us to pray for the will and ability to use our own special skills for the benefit of God’s Kingdom here on earth…in what ways, according to your own gifts and professional abilities, might this be possible?
†This beautiful prayer also encourages our prayerful intercession for people in the medical field…do you pray to Jesus, the Divine Physician, for the veterinarians and other medical specialists who are treating your animal companion? The stories of Sts.Cosmos, Damian, and Martin demonstrate that practical medical skills are energized by faith and the power of prayer. Indeed, it is the supernatural formula that provides the basis for miracles!