Love animals. God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. ~ Fyordor Dostoyevsky
It's taken me awhile to get this blog up and running....why is it that we so often defer what God lays on our heart to do? In my case, it was simply a matter of thinking there were more "important" things I needed to do. And yet from morning till night, I'm deeply conscious of and grateful for the gifts my four animal companions -- an English Setter, a Cav. King Charles Spaniel, and two house cats -- bring into my life.
Between (canine) Jonah's irrepressible "James Cagney" grin and Tristan's truly cavalier style, and amidst the antics of two young cats (Gypsy & Gilmore) who remind me that play is a vital part of everyday life, I am blessed to share time and space with these creatures who teach me by example what it is to be joyfully ENGAGED in each and every moment.
By virtue of their everyday faithfulness to their God-given natures, our animal companions offer us a glimpse of what it means to be perfectly centered in the will of God. In my daily reading of Scripture, which magnifies the wonder of even the least creatures among us, and in my study of the lives of the Saints, I came to realize that communion with the natural world and its creatures is a pathway to both holiness and self-discovery. Saint I'm not, but I've found this path to be ever more trustworthy in my own life as well.
My animal companions have also given me a glimpse of what it is to love unconditionally and to live in that blissful state of "joy untroubled." They are sentinels at the gate of God's kingdom here on earth, where I can choose to enter any time I exercise love, compassion, justice, and reverence toward life, in all its manifold forms.
May these simple stories and meditations to come awaken or enhance your understanding and love of GOD, who is in all things, above all things, and constantly revealing Himself to us through all living things. And may your beloved animal companions be your conscious and your guide to living wholly, and holy, in each singularly beautiful and awesome moment!
With one voice and one breath, let us pause...pray...and praise the LORD, for we are ONE in God's Kingdom of Love!
Yours in Christ Jesus, Andie
Gypsy & Gilmore |
Tristan |
Jonah |
Our Beloved Grace (RIP) |